Email us the Fragrace
that you need Men or Women
A Secret weapon
your natural sex appeal!
Substances for
non-verbal commmunication.
They work on our Subconscious, increasing
and self confidence and simplifying interpersonal contacts.
It is worth uniing pheromones before a date or any other
important meeting.
When you need to make a good impression - use
Facts About
While fragrance affects CONSCIENCE behavior, pheromones
affect the SUBCONSCIENCE. Pheromones are a natural aphrodisiac produced in all
men and women that give off olfactory scent signals, chemically triggering
reproductive instincts and attraction. However, due to our modern lifestyles of
daily showering and using deodorants, we wash away and mask natural pheromones.
Also, as we age, pheromone production declines rapidly. Wearing this
replaces pheromones that have been lost or covered up. Tests have shown that the
benefits of using pheromones include:
becoming more attractive to any woman around
Gaining a
secret advantage over other men in the room
self-confidence, both at work and romantically
current relationship, and
Amplifing arousal for more passionate lovemaking!